xmlDocumentComponent with Schema

You can use the xmlDocumentComponent and xmlElementComponent with XML documents associated with schemas. Studio's XML Components only support the use of XML Schema Definition (XSD) files. Studio provides functions for working with schema definition files as links at the bottom of the Properties window. The functions are listed here.

Descriptions of these functions follow.


Edit Schema Provider

To specify the schema provider for a document, click the Edit Schema Provider link in the Properties grid for the xmlDocumentComponent. Once you click the Set Schema Provider link, the Edit Schema Provider window is displayed.

Click the Select Schema Provider Type box and choose the XSD option. In the Specify Schema Provider Source field, browse to the schema for the xmlDocumentComponent.

After you select a file and click OK, Studio performs these tasks.

Edit Schema Provider Dialog Functions

The dialog provides functions for removing the schema provider associated with the xmlDocumentComponent and regenerating the schema assembly.


Save Diagnostics

Click the Save Diagnostics link to save the source code and XSD file to the dynamic assemblies folder for diagnostics purposes. When you click the Save Diagnostics link, a dialog shows you the names of the files created. These files are created:

These files are written to the OpenSpan Studio\Dynamic Assemblies folder.


View Schema

Click the View Schema link to open modal dialog that contains a web browser showing the current contents of either the XSD (view schema) or the current contents of the xml document (view document). Here is an example of the View Schema window:


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Updated: 18 June 2020

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