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Project properties

Project properties are defined on the Properties window (Project Design properties) and on the Project Property Pages (Application, Build, and Deployment tabs). These properties are used when creating a deployment package for a Studio project and when building a Studio project for use as a reference within a solution.

This topic describes:


Project design properties

Project design properties appear in the Properties window when the project is highlighted in Solution Explorer. These properties display file and version information about the project and are described in the following table. Note that the Project Design properties which appear in the Properties window are Solution Configuration independent (apply to both Release and Debug Configuration options).




The system-generated identifier for the project. When the project file is extracted to disk while loading with Runtime, the project files are located under the DeploymentExtractDirectory in a folder named by this ID.

For example, if the ID is Project-8CC0980F38E7BE4 and the DeploymentExtractDirectory is D:\OpenSpanDeployedRuntime, the extracted files would be located in:



The name of the project file. The default extension is .osproj. You can change this property to change the name of the project. The project file is in XML format and contains the following information:

  • Configuration

  • Platform

  • SchemaVersion

  • ProductVersion

  • ProjectGuid

  • RootNamespace

  • AssemblyName

  • TargetFrameworkVersion

  • OutputType

  • AppDesignerFolder

In addition, the custom project properties are included (such as ID, TransformationVersion, and StartupForm).


The path location of the project file. Here is an example:

C:\Users\user\My Documents\Pega Robot Studio\Projects\BaseCRM\BaseCRM


Displays the version of the last XSLT transformation applied to the project.


Displays the current Studio version.


Project property pages

When running a Studio project in the Designer (using Start or Start without Debugging) or when using the Deploy Project functions, the system uses the project properties set on the tabs of the Project Property Pages window. To access this dialog, highlight the project in the Solution Explorer and select Project > Properties from the main menu:

Note: The project settings on the Application, Build, and Deployment pages are used when building projects using MSBuild from the command line. The versions of the Build and Deployment settings used by the MSBuild command line process depend on the Solution Configuration specified in the build command.  

Definitions of the properties on these pages follow:



The Application properties are used when you build and deploy a project. These properties are independent of the Solution Configuration selected (Release, Debug, and so on).



Application group

Assembly Name

Specifies the name of the .dll file created after Studio builds and compiles the project.

Default Namespace

Use this property to control class names when the Studio .DLL file is used in another project (C#).

Target Framework

Use this property to specify the version of .NET you will use. The drop down lets you select from the versions you have installed.

Keep in mind that the version of .NET you select must match the version Runtime will use. Check the supported versions of .NET in the Runtime installation guide for more information.

Debugger group

Debugger Platform

Use this property to specify which version of Runtime is used by the debugger.

Startup Application

Use this property to specify the path and executable name you want to use to load the project. The default is Runtime.


If you do not want to enter an explicit path, use this field to select a system folder, such as System, LocalAppData, or Application, and just provide the executable name in the Startup Application property.

Interactions group

Configuration File

Use this property to the location and name of the configuration file that defines the interaction properties, activities, and tasks. By default, this file has this name:



If you do not want to enter an explicit path, use this field to select a system folder, such as System, LocalAppData, or Application, and just provide the file name in the Configuration File property.

Deployment group

Miscellaneous Files

Use this property to add files to the runtime project package. To add files, click Browse in this property to open the Deployment Files Editor. Use the Deployment Files Editor to add members and set corresponding files.

Note that the path to folders is revirtualized. That is, if you add a file from My Documents, for example, the system virtualizes the path so that when the deployed project is run on a system where the path differs for the file location, the file is resolved to the new folder (provided the file exists on the system). For more information, see Adding Miscellaneous Files.

Runtime group


Lists all Configuration profiles created for this project. To create a deployment package for a specific Configuration Item profile, specify the profile in this property. Otherwise, no configuration profile is applied and object default values for properties are used when building the deployment package.

Runtime Edition

Use this property to set the edition of Runtime that will be used to run the deployed project. The default value is set on the Options dialog (Tools > Options > OpenSpan > License Edition). Browse this property to open the Select Runtime Edition dialog which provides descriptions of the available editions.

Startup Form

If the project contains multiple Windows forms or AppBars or both, use this property to specify the item you want to be in focus when the project initially loads.

Target Environment

Sets whether the OpenSpan.sys driver is used when running this project. See the Target Environment Property topic for more information.



The Build properties are used whenever you build and deploy a project. These properties depend on the Solution Configuration selected (Release, Debug, and so on). For example, you can set the Debug Symbols property to False for the Release Solution Configuration and True for the Debug Solution Configuration.



Build References

Use this property to copy all of the files required for Studio adapters to the output folder when building the project. The default, True, copies the file to the folder specified in the Output Path property.

Copying the build references is particularly important when working with a non-Studio project which references a Studio  project. In this case, be sure to set the Build References property to True for the Studio project and set the Output Folder the same for both the Studio project and the non-Studio project.

Debug Symbols

Set this property to True to create the output debug symbols .pdb file. The default is True.

Output Path

Specifies the folder which will contain the compiled project files. When working with non-Studio projects that reference Studio projects, make sure that the Output Path is the same for both projects and that the Build References property is set to True (the default).

Strong Name Sign

Select True to enable strong name signing for the project assembly. Strong name signing the main project assembly lets you  reference it from a strong name signed custom executable. The default is False.

Normally, you would only use strong name signing if you have a strong name signed executable that references the package.

Note: If the Studio project assembly is strong name signed, then all references to managed assemblies must also be strong name signed.

Strong Name Signing Path

Specify the relative or absolute path to the strong name signing key pair (.snk file) to use for signing the project assembly.

The default is an automatically generated key the system creates for each project.

Note: Change this path to ..\YourKeyFileName.snk, use an absolute path to your solution directory, or use any path that is identical for multiple projects to sign those projects with the same key. The default of signing each project with a different key is mostly inconsequential unless you want to programmatically confirm that a specific key was used to sign the project assembly from your custom executable. Use a path that is identical for multiple projects with the default file name, such as ..\AutogeneratedStrongNameKey.snk, to have the key automatically generated and used to sign all configured projects.

XML Documentation

This property is related to using Intellisense during design when the Studio project is used by another non-Studio project in the solution. To view Studio project types via Intellisense when writing code, XML documentation is required.

When building Studio projects in Debug mode, set this property to True so Intellisense is fully operational. When generating the Release build, set this property to False since Intellisense is no longer required. The default is True.



The Deployment properties are used whenever you build and deploy a project. These properties depend on the Solution Configuration selected (Release, Debug, and so on). For example, you can set the Digitally Sign property to True for the Release Solution Configuration and False for the Debug Solution Configuration.



Deployment properties

Deployment Version

The version of the deployed project. The version number starts at 1.0 for a new project. Each time the project is deployed, the Deployment Version is incremented. For example, if a project has been deployed three times, the Deployment version would be 1.2.

The version is stored with the deployment package and is used by Runtime to determine if the package differs from the last version run. If the versions are different, The system downloads and extracts the updated project files.

You have the option of deploying a project without updating the Deployment version. See the Increment Deployment Version property.

Include Assemblies

True/False. This option lets you control whether the assemblies required for the project are included in the built deployment file (.openspan). Usually, you would set this to True so all project assemblies are included in the package. If, however, you want to limit the size of the project deployment file, you can set this to False.

Note that if you set this to False, the deployed project will use the assemblies that currently exist on the Runtime computers for the project. If any of the assemblies have changed or new assemblies were added between deployed versions of the project and this setting is False, the project may not run correctly or will fail to load.  

Include Run Settings

This option lets you deploy the project with the Run Actions currently set for the project in Solution Explorer. For more information, see Run Actions.

Include Translators

True/False. This option lets you control whether the translators required for the project are included in the built deployment file (.openspan). Usually, you would set this to True so all project translators are included in the package. If, however, you want to limit the size of the project deployment file, you can set this to False.

Note: If you set this to False, the deployed project will use the translator files that currently exist on the Runtime computers for the project. If any of the translators have changed or if new translators were added between deployed versions of the project and this setting is False, the project may not run correctly or will fail to load.  

Increment Deployment Version

This property defines whether the Deployment version is incremented each time the project is deployed. Enter True to increment the Deployment version.

Output properties


Create Deployment Package

Set this property to True to create a deployment package for the project as part of the build process. If the project is used strictly as a reference within the solution, set this property to False.

For example, if the main C# project references this Studio project, set the Create Deployment Package to False as a deployment package for use with Runtime is not required. The project assembly created as part of the Release build process can be used as the reference.

If set to True, a deployment package is created as a result of the build process. This package contains the compiled project assembly file and a manifest file, ready for use with the Runtime application. The Deployment Properties listed above are applied in creating the deployment package.

Output Path

Specify the location for the deployment package files. Use the relative project path.


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Updated: 28 March 2024

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